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Friday, January 31, 2014

Feeling so blessed..

We have had such a good week. Minus a few moments of jealous boys who are adjusting to their new sister.

Jeff went back to work Monday. I think he was glad to get back there after 3 weeks. (and I am sure Stephen who ran his desk for that long was glad too! Thanks Heidi and Stephen. Thanks to Heidi who probably dealt with a stressed out hubby) Although, I know Jeff he missed seeing all of Mayleigh's smiles.
I had my first week of getting 4 kids up and breakfast and loaded up to take Brennan to school. And we did it...on time. It hasn't been too bad. Now if you ask me to have EVERYONE dressed and out the door early....that will be another story. At least this week everyone except Brennan could stay in jammies. We are praying Chase can go to school next week. They have had a snow day on Mon and Tues every week for as long as I can remember. And those are the only two days he goes to preschool this year. Poor guy forgot what school is!

The boys are doing ok. They are for sure having some issues with the new addition. Natural issues, I think. Kullen might be having the hardest time not being the baby anymore. He has been naughty. Dont get me wrong, he was testing us quite a bit before we left for China. But he is crying more and having more tantrums. My laid back Chase is doing the best with the adjustment. :) Brennan loves Mayleigh and is so sweet to her but he has had some days with a serious attitude. In general, none of them have been listening and that has been driving me nuts! Hoping we can all get adjusted soon! I know each time we have added to the family, this has happened. It will just take time. My boys couldnt imagine life without each other and I know they will feel that same with about Mayleigh!

Mayleigh has continued to smile and laugh and play all day long! She has been awesome!! She is eating more and loving exploring the toys!! I have showered and done laundry, dishes, paid bills, etc. all while she is content playing by herself! It is so great to see her so comfortable! No walking still. She is crawling all over and she has even pulled up on the furniture but still hasnt walked. Hopefully soon! We are anxious! She is sleeping pretty well. Usually wakes up once and we change her and she goes back down. Hoping soon she will sleep straight through the night but for now, I can't complain. She goes down for naps without a peep too. I feel so spoiled!

Mayleigh had a busy week seeing the town! Tuesday with another snow day and we had to get out. So some friends and I met with the kiddos at the museum. Between the 3 of us, we had 10 kids. Crazy! The kids had a blast and Mayleigh enjoyed watching! Then that night she had her first Culvers dinner for Chase's birthday. (his pick ;) ) Thursday we headed to target with my mom. And boy I was glad I had my mom! Just getting in and out of the car in the freezing cold with the 3 kiddos was quite a feat! I have been so thankful to have my mom here this extra week. She has ran errands for me, folded laundry, and helped while we were still in the hospital! We will be so sad to see her go back to Arizona Sunday. I am glad she has had the extra time getting to know Mayleigh. There is no doubt Mayleigh has already fallen in love with her Gramma!

Jeff and I wanted to say a HUGE thank you to the crazy amount of people that have sent meals, desserts, gifts, prayers and love to our family! It has been so nice to not worry about dinners and to be able to spend the time with the kids. We just have been so spoiled that I am not sure how I am going to start cooking again! ;) If you know me well, you know I hate cooking dinner!!! Worst time of my day by far! So thank you thank you for taking that stress away!!!
I have also been so touched by the number of friends who I havent talked to for years and years and have written to tell me they would love to help in some way. Or old friends who have sent beautiful notes to our family and sweet gifts. We feel so lucky to have such amazing friends. We are truly blessed!!!! We absolutely love it here and you are all the reasons why! Our friends are SIMPLY THE BEST!!!!

Out and about in the freezing cold!!!! 

With Jeff sick and the hospital visit, we never got around to taking our first family pict of 6! Let's just say with this many people, it didnt go so well! Enjoy!

My birthday boy! Having fun at the museum! Love this boy's smile!!

So lucky... not only do we have great friends, but our kids are such great friends!! :) Love this crew!

Looking cute in her new outfit! Thanks Jen for the adorable outfit! :)

Yep, we did it. In the snow we ventured out to get a few groceries. I opted for Aldi since its smaller and not as overwhelming as Walmart! It went surprisingly well! Snacks help a lot!! 

Dressed in her Chinese dress for Chinese New Year!! 

And eating pizza for the new year! Ha ha! Even if I was organized for the Chinese New Year, you all know I wasnt going to make homemade dumplings! LOL! 

I think this is my favorite picture to date!! :) Oh Mayleigh, sometimes I cant believe you are actually here in our house! Love you to China and back!!! 

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